It takes less energy to look for good in others!
Even in the darkest hour, know the sun will shine again... Ever have one of those moments? You're in a spiral of overwhelming feelings,...
Never Forget
Never forget where you came from
A Single Step
Some days, all it takes to feel gratitude and appreciation...Is simply walking out the door.
Ode to a Doge
A dog is a great source of joy Doin' what it takes to hear "Good Boy!" Bounce in their step, Eyes shining with pep, Life example to...
When we leave ASSUMPTIONS at the door... Our hearts are free Our minds are unburdened Our mission has clarity Our path is clear Our...
Be the perfect blend of unique, coming together in beauty...
Kindness is an essential ingredient for the preservation of humanity
The Path
The path before me Should I take it? It was then I remembered The path I'm on Regret? No...relief that I chose MY path.
Family; Whisper of past and a smile to the future.... F--For A--All M--Manifested I--In your heart L--Loyally Y--Yours