Mic Drop
Student: "That should say something different" Me: "What should say something different?" Student: Pointing to sign above my door that...
Friends, Fun & Pitbulls Oh My!
How do you spend a Sunday Funday? Why getting together with a passionate, intelligent, committed group of people to discuss lifting the...
Our school came together to remember and grieve. WHY? Talking as a class to reminisce and remember. We were asked. WHY? A community left...
THINK your best thoughts in order to FEEL your best to TRY and BE your best! Seek it... Or fight it. Welcome it... But worry about it....
How many times have you been in a conversation that felt like it wasn't progressing? Perhaps due to emotion? Perhaps varied opinions or...
What would happen if we were open to a shift in how we communicate with each other? Instead of talking at each other, we focused on...
As we're bombarded with all of the painful things going on in the world, our energy can feel zapped with lots of unanswered questions. ...
Given all of the recent pain, some thoughts--- Listening without distraction Acceptance without fear Hoping without pessimism Discussion...
Rain Rain Cleanse Away
THINK your best thoughts in order to FEEL your best to TRY and BE your best! In the Midwest, as you saw the forecast this weekend did you...
THINK your best thoughts in order to FEEL your best to TRY and BE your best! What do you call those experiences where everything aligns? ...