Emma's Gratitude Challenge
How did Emma's Gratitude Challenge go for you? I found an attitude shift when I began to focus on what I was grateful for as opposed to challenges. Here is a break down of my week:
11/29 Fantastic weekend with family and fun with my daughter
11/30 The beautiful tree lit with white lights on my 5 a.m. walk with the dog
12/1 Flexible, kind people who are open to change
12/2 Sunshine! (and Kindergarten kids) :)
12/3 Teachers who are so willing to help kids
12/4 Clean house
12/5 Humor!
12/6 Seamless Dance Event with family
Seamless is a Dance Theatre doing amazing things in the community! (I may be a bit biased as my niece is participating) :) Check out their mission and events here: www.seamlessdance.com