Love and the Power of Adoption
THINK your best thoughts in order to FEEL your best to TRY and BE your best!
"A Family is defined by what's in your heart!"--Emma's Dilemma
I'm so thankful for the opportunity to work with children through my job as an educational consultant and as an author. Recently, I was able to share Emma's Dilemma with a group of students. Such an uplifting experience to have students engaged and willing to ask lots of great questions! I hope they enjoyed the interaction as much as I did.
My publisher sent this link to me and I wanted to share:
What a beautiful expression of love that brings home the importance of adoption and belonging! This combined with my discussion with a child about their experience in foster care touched my
heart. I couldn't think of a better day to share this beautiful story. Happy Day of Love!
Thank you to all of the Foster Parents and Adoptive Parents who open their hearts and homes to children in need. Thank you to all of the biological parents who make selfless decisions and endure pain to give their child a future. How will you show love and kindness this week?!?