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Vasculitis Warriors

Who is Brandon Hudgins? A runner, outspoken, supporter, inspiration...

Brandon's jersey bears the emblem of the Vasculitis Foundation. Why?

A native of Boone, N.C., and a lifelong runner, Hudgins formed a partnership with the Vasculitis Foundation (VF) to launch an awareness campaign centered on the autoimmune disorder.

The Vasculitis Foundation…really believed in what I was doing and what I had to say,” Hudgins said. “[They wanted to] work together to inspire people of all walks of life, not just people with vasculitis, but people with vasculitis obviously being the main goal, because a lot of them haven’t had the luck that I’ve had with remission.”

After enduring three separate bouts of vasculitis, which results in inflamed blood vessels due to an overactive immune system, Hudgins has now set his sights on the 2016 summer Olympics in Rio, Brazil. We're all pulling for you Brandon!

May is Vasculitis Awareness Month. As May comes to a close, I wanted to honor everyone who is fighting this rare disease; Please Keep Fighting! Consider supporting, not just in May but throughout the year!

My spots aren’t contagious

These red and purple spots on my body,

Aren’t something you need to fear.

It’s a condition called Vasculitis you see

And all I need is your understanding and care!

If you don’t see them you may think

That I’m perfectly fine and one hundred percent.

No matter how I look on the outside, the inside of me is different

And all I need is your understanding and care!

There are days that my joints are too stiff and sore

To even pretend that I’m okay;

The different degrees of well

Are difficult to decipher even for me.

And all I need is your understanding and care!

The flares are enough to make me scream!

My mind so numb and body on fire;

All I want to do is escape and rest

But life calls to me and I go.

And all I need is your understanding and care!

Then there are all of the specialists I see;

A gift for sure but overwhelming as can be

I see at least three on a regular basis, trying to stay upbeat

And all I need is your understanding and care!

Let alone all of the blood draws...

The vials they take feel like a crime scene

I sit politely trying not to think

And all I need is your understanding and care!

Then there are those that say “What’s wrong?”

How do I put it into words?

This condition so rare that people kinda stare

And all I need is your understanding and care!

So what can you do?? You ask so sincere...

Not much for me but maybe others out there

Spread the word, donate and advocate please.

And all I need is your understanding and care!

Perhaps that’s what we all need??

Looking out for others and being aware--

Coming together instead of attack

We all need to understand and care!

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