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People First

Have you ever attended the Kansas Book Festival? ( I had the opportunity to attend yesterday both as a participant and speaker. What an incredible event!

Seeing the joy and enthusiasm as children ran to get their faces painted, danced to music, and relished in the magic of books was an opportunity not forgotten. Seeing young kids dressed up like Fancy Nancy and waiting in line to meet Jane O'Connor created such joy, not only for kids but the adults in attendance. Admittedly, this author was a bit starstruck too! :)

Speaking about my book was both a bit nerve wracking and exhilarating! As I talked about the why of Emma's Dilemma, I focused on the experiences of a child who's adopted, the definition of family and the importance of belonging. I asked the audience to participate in a challenge that I'm going to ask of you as well. As you go through your days and weeks, identify those who have nurtured and supported you. Whether you are blood related or not, express your appreciation and tell them thank you. The other challenge I would pose is to focus on people. Really look at each other as you go through your days. As you do, when you notice that someone is feeling disconnected or unsure give them eye contact, a smile or encouraging word. When we acknowledge and reach out to each other, we create a mutual connection and respect. If we could shift our WORLD to PEOPLE FIRST, think of the impact!

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