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Let's admit it, feelings can be tricky! Like the ocean, feelings can ebb and flow. With lives of immediate gratification and social media influences, feelings can morph into a source of guilt when departing from anything that doesn't resemble joy and happiness. One of the many things that unites us as humans, is in fact feelings.

What to do when you're feeling those "not so favorite feelings?" While there isn't one idea that just works, here are some strategies to try.

Accept: What you're feeling is ok. Acknowledging what you're feeling without judgment, can almost disarm the guilt that may accompany "not so favorite feelings."

Contemplate: You may choose to use the above and move on. You may also choose to reflect on a deeper level as to what may be driving your feelings. Are things more stressful right now? Do you have multiple challenges occurring in various parts of your life? Have you been struggling to sleep or changed your diet? This reflection may help you understand the why and give yourself the patience you deserve.

Time: Read the last line above. Easy to write and so difficult to implement isn't it? :) You deserve the same patience and care that you would give to a family member, friend, or pet!

It's not lost on me that the above strategies spell ACT. Life is exciting, complicated, and can change at a moment's notice. The simple ACT of kindness to yourself goes a long way!


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